The Top Dog Recipe Blogs 2021
Baking dog treats for your dog is a great way to be sure about what ingredients you feed your dog. With many healthy and easy dog recipes online, accomodating your dog’s allergies and preferences is no problem. Vegan Dog recipes are hot stuff at the moment, as well as seasonal specials like pumpkin treats.
People keep asking me for Dog treat recipes. Honestly, I don’t even cook by recipe for myself, do you think I will follow one for my dog?
While I prefer to buy Missy organic treats from small local businesses like the CBD treats from BakedBones for example I also love to bake and make awesome food for Missy myself but won’t follow recipes; only draw inspiration from them. I’ll remember the ingredients, remember which one is the prime ingredient or main spice and then just work around them. 2 teaspoons of what? I’ll just chuck that peanut butter in to my liking.
Loving those home made dog treats
Therefore, it is needless to say: If you want dog treat recipes, you’re in the wrong place. I am more than happy to inspire you but will have to point you to other experts. That’s why I am excited to announce the 4 Best Blogs to follow for Dog Recipes List 2020:
Please support these wonderful creators and small businesses and follow and share them to draw inspiration and pull motivation to try out new recipes and treat ideas for your fur honey bunnies:
My Favorite Dog Recipe Blogs and Accounts 2020
I only discovered Taylor and her awesome puppers Bindi and Rosie (who always reminds me of Missy) this spring but feel like they are the real OG when it comes to enrichment ideas for your pooch. From ideas for how to encourage picky eaters to finish a Kong or how to create a beautiful Birthday treat for your pooch. If you have an enrichment toy at home or not, this account will give you all the tools and ingredients for how to engage your doggie with awesome and easy food ideas.
Taylor just launched her own blog earlier in November, click here to check out even more enrichment ideas!
Blair, self-proclaimed dog mom AF, is the voice behind the blog Dogs Are A Girl’s Best Friend and ultimate recipe queen. As a Holistic Nutritionist herself, she not only gives insights on her dog’s June and Margot’s diet and journey of raw food feeding but also sprinkles in inspiration for your own human dinner cooking. It doesn’t hurt that Blair just comes across as super cool and laid back. If you want insight on sustainability, dog mom tips and ideas on how to raise two dogs together, you’re in the right place. Go follow @thefoxandtheauss and Dogs Are a Girl’s Best Friend and be inspired!
Thea the Weimaraner is from the area I grew up in (Franconia) and is spoiled with lots of homemade dog treats and food. Follow Thea and her mom also to find out more about dog training and the dog world in general. A visually appealing account with lots of in-depth information about canines and the for legged world.
Weimaraners love healthy dog treats as well…This is not Thea, though :-)
Minyoung turned her dog bakery into a serious and profitable business and is now not only sharing her expertise with other fellow dog bakers with the newly founded @dogbakeryacademy but is showering the dog world with excellent recipes and dog cookie ideas on IG and her YouTube channel. My personal highlight is the latest pumpkin spice doughnuts! featured on her blog named Bobby and Bambi where you can also buy her recipe e-book! Follow fast for inspiration and the great big smile from Minyoung!
Baking dog treats is so rewarding. Organic and Easy Snacks are healthy for your dog while you know exactly what ingredients you used.
Other Dog Recipe Blogs?
Do you know any other recipe creators that should be on this list? Drop your recipe queens and kings to add to any list update in the comments below!
THANK YOU, especially to Blair from @thefoxandtheauss and Taylor with @bindisbucketlist, who were both the inspiration for this post and so very supporting when I first approached them with my idea to write this article. Allowing me me to use their photos to illustrate this post was so very generous. It is women like them that remind me that we can only grow as a community if we support each other. Community over competition!