Engage with your followers and built community amongst your dog friends with these clever Story Ideas… 

Are you looking to grow your dog’s instagram? If you’ve done some research or follow social media coaches you will hear “ENGAGEMENT” a lot. Yes! Engagement is important. The Insta Algorithm will rank you in accordance with how high your engagement rate is. This determines how many followers will get to see your posts, if you’ll be featured on the explorer page etc… all important factors for instagram growth.

What is Instagram Engagement?

Engagement is defined as the interactions your doggy followers have with you and your dog’s account. Every LIKE, SAVE, SHARE and COMMENT on a Feed Post pay into your engagement rate for Instagram’s algorithm. To calculate your engagement rate you simply take the number of your followers and divide it by the number of total interactions. it is said that an engagement rate of 5-10% is average while smaller accounts will usually have a significantly higher one.

How to increase Engagement on your Dog’s Instagram Stories?

That’s the question, isn’t it? The one awesome IG tool that is often neglected to increase engagement is Instagram stories. IG offers all kinds of awesome gadgets and stickers to use for your daily stories.

  1. Use IG Stickers for your dog’s IG stories.

The IG Question Sticker

The classic. Let people ask questions in regular Q&As, let them come up with funny captions or ask for advice on a dog problem that people can relate to and then share the responses.

The IG Poll

Ask your followers for their opinion on this&that questions. This bandana or the other one? Get to know them better and ask for personal preferences: Beach or Mountains? Pink or Blue? East or West Coast….The possibilities are endless.

The IG Quiz

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You can find out how well your followers know you and your pup and ask questions about your life and dog adventures. It’s a regular multiple choice question option and gives you endless possibilities.

The Slider

This is the easiest sticker! Just put it under a sweet photo without text and set the slider to a heart and it will be difficult not to slide that bar all to the right…

2. Tickle your dog friend’s creativity with Templates

Ask your followers to participate in a hashtag labelled activity with a template to fill out and ask them to tag you when they use the template in your stories.

You could do a “Template Tuesday” and post a filled out version of the tamplate first , and then post a blank version so your follower can screen shot it (hold down your finger on the phone screen for a clean screenshot.


Don’t know what to ask in your Templates? Here are 8 Ideas to boost your story engagement now. Download your template below.


1. Who is your dog’s celebrity spirit? 

Come again? I’m serious, don’t we all feel like our pet could talk? Sometimes I swear Missy gives me the look like: “Girl, the hell you don’t give me a treat right NOW!” So much sass! I swear I can hear nasty Karen Walker (Will&Grace) boss me around. However, other days she’s more like a hilarious badass Jennifer Lawrence. I even picked up some derpy Aquafina vibes from this girl, though. 

 Often, it’s not just the looks, it’s the character, the behavior: Our friend Ocho is definitely a Rod Stewart while Dory has this Meryl Streep flair going on. Button, on the other hand, the pack leader of the @browndogbrigade, is more of a Poussay Washington (played by Samira Wiley) from Orange is the New Black. She acts all cool and slick but is actually a gentle soul and super sensitive. Mr. Buddy? Definitely Morgan Freeman. (photos below in order left to right)

 What celebrity would play your dog if they were in a movie, what TV character resembles your dog most? Ask your friends, post this on your social media. Use my template and tag me! I’d love to see your answers! 

Here are some other fun questions that will make you smile. You will laugh about how much time you can spend with your friends on discussing questions like this!


 2. If your dog had to pick a birthday gift for you, what would it be?

For me: Missy would get me an online gift card for my favorite craft stores so I wouldn’t go out anymore but shop with her on my lap on the sofa.



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3. If your dog was a car, what would it be and where would it drive to?

 This is an awesome question to draw people into being more creative.

I feel Missy would be driving a 1963 Buick Riviera in metallic spruce green on Route 66 cruising through the desert, just because she looks so good in those earthy colors.



4. One of the funnier questions that I read on @Shittydogmoms IG feed:

The principal called and your dog is in detention. What did they do?

Let’s say Missy’d be in detention until the end of the school year…

This will make people laugh and could also be great for a Question Sticker in your story.


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5. What would your dog name you if it wasn’t mama or your real name?

 I’m sure Missy thinks of me as a Bridget.

6. Cloning your dog only costs $50.000. If you had the money, would you clone your dog? 

This is the actual cost, not lying! How will your dog follower think about this? It is a very ethical question but can allow for fun and thoughtful conversation at the same time.

Honestly, I might. But only if the $50,000 were peanuts to me, kind of a fun project to see how the dog turned out if I tried again. Or why stop at one? I know, ethically very questionable, but as I don’t see this happening to me anyway, I may as well just play evil Jurassic Park scenarios in my head.

7. If the idea of reincarnation were true, that everyone in your life has been in all of your previous lives in some form or another, and let’s say this also applies to dogs, what relationship did you have with your dog in a previous life? And what adventure did you encounter? 

You could make a whole reel out of this actually! Ask the question and have people remix it or use your sound. This could be super fun!

Tough one! Missy has a very sensitive and caring nature. As soon as we speak excitedly, even if we’re laughing, she lies on top of the person being “yelled” at. So I would totally believe that she was my very caring mother or father in a previous life and protected me from an evil husband. And if she was anything like my actual mother now, she probably killed that husband Kill Bill Style with a poisonous snake…

8. What is your dog’s background music or would be his walk-up song?

Missy is such a WAP… Wet A** Puppy. Otherwise, also a Dolly Parton’s Jolene.


We can’t wait to see what you post about these questions on social media, use our templates on Instagram (find them in our IG highlights), or download them by clicking on the individual story templates, give us a follow and don’t forget to tag @missykeo so we can catch up on all your answers.

Good Luck with increasing your engagement and your Social Media Journey with your doggy!